Last night was one of those difficult nights. I was in pain, and alone, and very easily could have given into despair. It was cold, windy and stormy. Life has been uncertain and overwhelming lately, and God felt very far away. I began to wonder if God had created me for pain, to be an object of his wrath, because this life has been very hard. I called out to God, and told him how much it hurts, how alone I feel, and all the questions racing through my unquieted mind. There was no answer, and I laid down in bed, to listen to the storm outside. I closed my eyes and listened to it rage and howl all around me, while I was safe and warm; and I felt peace envelope me. It was not quite like a blanket. Some of you may feel uncomfortable with me saying so, but I felt arms wrap around me, just as tangible as if someone were laying next to me. All my fear just left, and I rested, really deeply relaxed and rested.
Then, I heard a song bird, in the dark, in the cold fall weather, at night in the pouring rain...I thought, "this is trippy, I really am hallucinating now. It is the wrong season, weather and time of day for songbirds". I opened my eyes, and just on the other side of my window, between my pillow and my glass of ice water...was this:
He stayed and sang till the storm was done. Matthew 10:28-31 says "28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. 30 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Do not be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows."

What an incredible reminder of God's faithfulness and provision. He cares, and I'm His, and nothing on earth can take away one second of one day that He has preplanned for me. I have all the time I need to accomplish everything He has for me to do, and I have all the resources to complete the work He has for me and do it well. There is nothing I lack, that he does not already have. There is no crisis, or strained relationship, or economic hardship, loss, or medical diagnosis that can surprise Him. I have no suffering that He can not redeem, God doesn't waste time, or pain. More importantly, He doesn't waste the lives of His children. I was created for a purpose, and I am loved, known, seen, cared for, and don't need to fear. I am resting in the arms of my Father, who loves me.